Photos and story by Camille Abadie
Adding to the challenges brought by the pandemic, some international students were not able to go home to see family and friends for over a year. However, for many, this is nothing new. Most international students on Principia’s campus don’t have an opportunity to go home every year, and other still have not been home in several years. This March as Women’s History Month offers another chance to celebrate women across the world, we look to our international women – some of whom are photographed below – who are not losing sight of who they are, where they come from, or what they want to be.
“We lay down our arms
so we can reach out our arms
to one another
We seek harm to none and harmony for all
Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true:
That even as we grieved, we grew
That even as we hurt, we hoped
That even as we tired, we tried.”
Poem by Amanda Gorman, Inauguration of President Joe Biden on January 20, 2021.
Center – Victoire de Visme; Junior; France
Right – Valeria Robalino Valdes; Freshman; Mexico