This year, Intramurals have changed. They are less frequent, better attended, and contribute points to Game of Homes. Sophomore Alfredo Boly is the athletics representative on Student Senate. As such, he is the person behind the updated intramurals.
“I chose [to be a student senator],” said Boly, “because I thought it was something I should give to the Prin Community as they received me as an international student.” As the athletics representative, Boly said he is in charge of making intramurals more successful and helping athletes have the best experience on campus.
According to the Student Government Handbook the athletics representatives is responsible for organizing weekly intramural competition, meeting regularly with both the athletic event and facilities manager and the intramural representatives, publicizing campus sporting events, connecting with all teams on campus to explain positions and encourage them to reach out with any concerns.
Boly has attended intramurals in previous years. “I went to two of them,” Boly said, “I remember last semester, I went to try it and I think it was quite fun, but the thing is that not a lot of students went.”
“With Damir our president, we started talking about our goals. And one of the goals was to bring back intramurals [as a popular event]. We decided to have four intramurals per semester, and I think it’s going really well after having two intramurals,” said Boly.
Damir Conci is Student Body President at Principia College. Conci worked with Boly to make a plan for intramurals.
Boly thinks that Intramurals have been a success. “The best part of [the new] intramurals [is] to give points for Game of Homes so we could have a community of all the houses together and also to participate in a sport event,” he said.
Senior Wyatt Shipp has been doing intramurals since he was a freshman and has even been the intramural head for his house. “Up until this year, it’s been a pretty low turnout,” he said.
Angel Wysong, who has never done intramural sports before, said that she was looking forward to “getting house points, getting ahead for the House Games, and bonding with the other houses.” Many other students joined in with Wysong to go out to the new intramurals.
“[At] our first [intramural this semester], I think we got around 50 students,” Boly said, “on our second one we got like 40 so we were really happy about it.” While the first two intramurals have been beach volleyball, the next two intramurals planned for this semester are futsal and basketball. Boly hopes for similar numbers in the coming competitions.
“One thing that I love about intramural sports is, even though there hasn’t always been a great turnout for it, the people who did turn out then often feel like they can go and do those same sports on their own time with their friend group,” said Shipp. For example, during Shipp’s freshman year, he said, many of the friendships he made were due to participating in beach volleyball outside of what was offered during intramurals.