Deija Carter
New “No Student Parking Sign” outside of Student Government Parking Lot
Parking policy enforcement has changed this year.
Principia’s parking policy prohibits students from parking at the Marshall Brooks Library lot, Hay Field lots (upper and lower), service road parking spaces behind the science building, and the entire School of Government lot. Still, students have parked in the lots here and there in recent semesters with no major issues, they say. This semester security, which is responsible for parking enforcement, said their office had a sign placed to communicate to students where they couldn’t park. Security then made an announcement warning students they plan to give tickets to those who disobey the rules.
Junior Dexter Mbwinja isn’t personally affected by the enforcement changes, but he still sees the effects.
“As President of Buck, I get my own parking spot,” Mbwinja said, “But I have friends, particularly in Ferg, who used to park in the School of Government parking lot and can’t now.”
While Mbwinja had his own parking space, the School of Government parking lot was still helpful for him.
“The School of Government parking lot was helpful if you had a quick errand to run,” Mbwinja said, “You could park there for ten minutes and then leave again. That’s not an option now.”
Principia Security said the School of Government lot is only for faculty and visitor parking. The only exception to parking at the space is to attend varsity games. Director of Security Andrew Leskey said he is working to make sure that students are aware of the “No student parking” sign at those lots.
“We want students to go to varsity games without walking so far, that’s why there is an exception for home varsity games,” he said. “There are other places that students can park and get to where they need to get easier like: behind Rackham, Ford parking, Howard parking lot and a parking lot near Sylvester and Anderson.”
These are areas that students are allowed to park and even in the previous semester these are areas that students were allowed to park.
Students were never, technically, allowed to park in the School of Government, according to staff.
“Back when I was a student we weren’t allowed to park there anyway,” Resident Counselor Sue Huffman said. “Students have a lot more places to park now.”
Student Body President Damir Conci said he’s heard a lot of complaints about the policy from students. “The solution we are trying to find is to see if we can allow students to park there after 4 p.m. when most of the faculty is leaving… on a weekday because on weekends there are games we want people to attend,” he said.
Students say they’re also unhappy about I.D. checks at the front gate when they come on to campus even when security may know who they are. But security said it is not personal.
“Everyone is getting checked when they come to the gate for student safety,” Leskey said.
Campus Security said they don’t want students to feel like they are being racially profiled when they come up to the gate for I.D. checks, but they have to know what visitors are on and off campus and that they’re able to make sure they leave when they are supposed to. They say students have also tried to sneak people on campus and have them spend the night over when they aren’t supposed to. Visitors are allowed to stay on weekdays, they must leave by 10 p.m. and on weekends by 2 a.m.
Security said they ask students to read the student’s rights manual, Code of Conduct, and the basic rules of driving on campus so they are aware and they can avoid getting tickets or fines against them. Security also said they want to make sure that students are safe on campus and knowing that gate duty means well for the Panthers of Principia.